Browse Correspondents

Select any letter of the alphabet to see the list of correspondents’ names that begin with that letter. Click on the name to get a list of the correspondent’s letters to and from Walpole, organized by date. Adjustments have been made for letters dated using the “old style”.

The correspondences are arranged under the names by which the correspondents are best known. Refer to volume 43, pp. 427-442 to view the printed Index of Horace Walpole’s Correspondents, which includes cross-references from other names or titles. Letters to or from unidentified persons are listed under “Unknown”.

      A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z   

Cadell, Thomas
Cadell, Thomas [?]
Cadogan, Lord
Cadogan, Mary (Churchill)
Camden, 1st Earl
Capper, Francis
Capperonnier, Jean
Cardini, Giuseppe
Carlisle, 5th Earl of
Carter, Elizabeth
Carter, Mary
Cave, Sir Thomas
Chambers, Sir William
Charlemont, 1st Earl of
Charlemont, Lady
Chatterton, Thomas
Chauncey, Dr Charles
Chedworth, 2d Baron
Chesterfield. 4th Earl of
Choiseul, Duchesse of
Cholmondeley, George, 3d Earl
Cholmondeley, George, 4th Earl
Cholmondeley, Mrs. Robert
Cholmondeley, Rev. Robert
Churchill, Charles
Churchill, Lady Mary
Churchill, Mrs. Horace
Chute, John
Clarke, Anna Maria
Clarke, Richard
Clement, Anne
Clement, Jane
Clive, Catherine
Coke, Lady Mary
Coke, Thomas Wiliam
Cole, William (Rev)
Colman, George (the elder)
Colquhoun, Sir James
Conolly, Lady Anne
Conway, Henrietta Seymour
Conway, Henry Seymour
Conway, Henry Seymour|| Ailesbury, Lady
Cony, Carlos [?]
Copleston, Thomas
Copley, John Singleton
Corke, 5th Earl of
Cornwallis, Hon. Edward
Cosway, Richard
Coutts, Thomas
Cowslade, John
Cranch, John
Craon, Prince and Princess de
Craon, Prince de
Craufurd, John
Craven, Elizabeth, Baroness
Creutz, Comte de
Cullum, Sir John
Czartoryska, Princess